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Providing Transport for older and disabled people.

An amazing gift from Harrogate Brigantes Rotary launches the

Happy Wanderers 2025 Community Mini-Bus Appeal.


Representatives of the 14 charities and groups chosen to receive Legacy Fund grants are pictured with Harrogate Brigantes Rotary President Bill O’Rourke and Chair of the Legacy Selection Panel, Matthew Stamford, at the event at Oakdale Golf Club.


Far left front: Bob Blackburn (with framed Presentation Certificate) and behind him Les Sudron

represented Happy Wanderers who received an award of £10,000 towards a new mini-bus

to support older and disabled people.


If you would like to support or find out more about our Community Mini-Bus Appeal please contact our Chair Les (07857 214112) or Vice -Chair Bob (07985 929543).

Happy Wanderers Ambulance Organisation helps those with special transport needs who are unable to use community or taxi services, to stay connected with their family, friends and local community; we support over thirty local community and charity groups to enable their older members and residents “go out together”.


Throughout our history we have never raised a charge for providing our transport, we offer this purely as an “act of kindness”.


Happy Wanderers is totally run by volunteers and our volunteer drivers are quite simply “amazing”.


We hope you like our story…


Every blessing.

Les Sudron – Chair



Mobile & Text

07597 186143

Website Sponsor

©2025 by Happy Wanderers Ambulance Organisation.

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