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Support Us

We no longer sing for our income! However Happy Wanderers relies entirely on donations and fund raising events. A charge is never raised for the use of a vehicle. Many donations are received from the groups and individuals who make use of the vehicles and occasional very generous sums are donated to us for new vehicles by charity organisations. Other funds come from collecting tins, flag days, raffles and the efforts of a small but hard-working committee.



To continue providing transport we need help and support. Can you: -

•Give a charitable donation?
•After taking care of your family and other priorities, consider a gift to Happy Wanderers in your Will.
•Become one of our volunteer drivers?
•Join our small management group?
•Support our fund raising activities?

Your donation of time or money, however large or small, can make a real difference.

By Online transfer

Send your donation as an online payment using  Sort Code 40-52-40  Account number 00005573 and fill in the short reference with your name/organisation. If you require a receipt then please send your request and email details using the 'Contact Us' form on this website.

Or by Post to our Treasurer
....send your donation to our Happy Wanderers' Treasurer
Mr Mike Greenberg, Flat 27, Tewit Well Gardens, Tewit Well Road, Harrogate HG2 8JG

You can donate to our Localgiving Charity online if you click the following link.......

“We received a Magic Little Grant through the partnership between Localgiving and the  Postcode Community Trust. The Postcode community Trust is a grant-giving charity funded  entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery. Our project received £500 from The Trust to support the provision of transport for older and disabled people to maintain an active and inclusive life within their local community.”

A new way to support Happy Wanderers ....



Mobile & Text

07597 186143

Website Sponsor

©2025 by Happy Wanderers Ambulance Organisation.

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