….serving Harrogate & District Registered Charity No. 235857
Earlier News
June 2021
HW receives a legacy gift of £5,000 to support the provision of transport for older and disabled people in the community. Chairman Les Sudron stated " We were delighted to receive such a significant gift. A legacy gift is always quite special when you consider that after helping their family, someone has thought about helping others in their local community."
We were sorry to hear of the death of one of our longest serving volunteers.
As a volunteer driver and trustee for Happy Wanderers Ambulance Organisation Alan was both a friend and inspiration to many of us within the charity. Alan was always a real gentleman and open to helping anybody
in need. Alan was loved by so many people who over many years he transported in the red HW mini-buses to places near and far.
Alan could often be found at our garages as he was going on or returning from a HW trip and he always had a smile on his face; he was always thankful and full of gratitude for the opportunity to support the older people he cared for.
Alan will be long remembered.
We won the Asda green token award earlier in the year 2019 and received a cheque for £500.
We are grateful to all the Asda customers who voted for the Happy Wanderers.
Harrogate & District Volunteering Oscars 2018
In its 11th Year these Awards celebrate the wonderful work being undertaken by volunteers throughout the District.
Happy Wanderers were thrilled to receive recognition of 60 years of service providing transport to many older people with special needs and living with disabilities.
The award is a tribute to the hundreds of past and present Happy Wanderers volunteers including drivers, fundraising volunteers and trustees who literally keep Happy Wanderers "on the road".
The new Mayor Councillor Bernard Bateman and Mayoress Linda Bateman attended our recent 60th Anniversary Celebration at the Wesley Centre. The evening included a performance by St Aelred's Irish Dancers and a Wesley Church singing trio.
The cakes below were very well received and consumed very quickly!